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Custom Environment Variables


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Using custom environments

The three default environments in Next.js are production, development, and test. However, sometimes, you need an additional environment, e.g. staging, to store env variables for it in a separate file. You can provide an app environment name by passing -e (--env) flag or setting APP_ENV directly. For example:

APP_ENV=staging blitz build    // loads .env.staging

blitz prisma generate -e staging  // loads .env.staging

blitz dev --env staging  // loads .env.staging

// it also solves the problem of loading production env variables in dev mode
blitz dev --e production

This will load additional env files: .env.<APP_ENV> and .env.<APP_ENV>.local.

If you need to load multiple env files, you can pass all the environments as comma-separated strings. For example:

blitz dev --env staging,production
# Loaded .env.staging.local
# Loaded .env.staging
# Loaded .env.production.local
# Loaded .env.production
# Loaded .env.local
# Loaded .env

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